
Sublative is a procedure for the reduction of wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture, acne scarring, stretch marks, and various other skin imperfections, by use of radiofrequency (heat) energy. This is accomplished by placing heat energy in the upper layers of the dermis and inducing skin injury, and therefore manipulating the body’s subtle healing response to gently and gradually restore memory to the skin and its underlying tissue. On average, a typical treatment protocol is 3-5 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart.

Realistic Expectations

The degree of improvement and sessions required will vary according to the degree of severity of the skin’s condition and treatment parameters, as well as other factors

Results appear gradually: immediate transient improvement can be noticed after each treatment: however, maximum long-term effect is usually notable 2-4 months after treatment conclusion

Sublative is the only skin resurfacing technology proven to reduce moderate to severe
acne scars.

Sublative technology is used on
Candela's devices to treat:


Pigmented lesions, red and brown spots

Skin texture irregularities

Moderate to severe acne scars