Sublime is a non-invasive treatment that can reverse signs of aging such as deep wrinkles, folds, droopy eyelids, jowls, and any general loose skin on the face and neck. The sublime applicator uses a combination of infrared light and radiofrequency to bulk heat the dermis, stimulating new collagen growth and causing the skin to tighten. The deep dermal layer of skin is remodeled, fine wrinkles are reduced, facial contours improved, and overall skin quality reveals a much smoother, more even complexion.
On average clients require 3-5 sessions every 4-6 weeks.
Realistic Expectations
The degree of improvement and sessions required will vary according to the degree of severity of the skin’s condition and treatment parameters,
as well as other factors.
Results appear gradually: immediate transient improvement can be noticed after each treatment: however, maximum long-term effect is usually notable 2-4 months after treatment conclusion.